
Selling Your Travel Photography as Prints Tips and Tricks

For travel photographers, capturing the beauty of different destinations is both a passion and an art. It is not uncommon for these talented individuals to consider selling their travel photography as prints to share their experiences with others. However, breaking into the world of print sales can be challenging without the right approach. This post explores useful tips and tricks on how to effectively sell travel photography as prints.

Identify Your Target Market

Before diving into how to make prints of your art to sell, it’s important to identify your target market. Who is most likely to appreciate and purchase your travel photography? It could be travelers looking for souvenirs, home decorators, interior designers, or even businesses in the tourism industry. Understanding your audience will allow you to tailor your marketing efforts better and create prints that appeal to them.

Choose Your Best Shots

Only select your absolute best shots when creating prints for sale. In a digital age where millions of images are available online, quality becomes paramount in grabbing attention and differentiating yourself from competitors. Keenly analyze your collection, focusing on technical excellence, composition, lighting, and emotional impact. Be cautious about choosing images that speak to different moods or diverse geographic locations to cater to various customer preferences.

Curate a Cohesive Collection

While showcasing individual standout images is essential, curating a cohesive collection creates added value for potential buyers. By organizing your prints into thematic sets or series centered around destinations or subjects (e.g., landscapes, street scenes), you give customers the opportunity to select multiple pieces that harmonize with each other. It helps them visualize how they might integrate your artwork into their living spaces.

Select Print Mediums Wisely

When trying to comprehend how to make prints of your art, considering the print mediums you offer plays a vital role in appealing to diverse tastes. The choice may range from traditional photographic paper prints to canvas wraps or metal prints. Typically, textured papers are ideal for landscape images, while glossy finishes work well for urban scenes and portraits. Print mediums create different visual effects and give customers options to match their personal aesthetic preferences.

Establish an Online Presence

Building a robust online presence is imperative in today’s digital age. Explore platforms that cater specifically to photographers, like online marketplaces or even your

personal website. Social media is also essential, as utilizing platforms such as Instagram, Flickr, and Pinterest enables you to showcase your portfolio easily. Maintaining an active virtual presence keeps potential clients engaged and aware of any updates, specials, or new releases.

Pricing Your Prints Correctly

Determining the right price point can be daunting. Avoid underpricing your work; this devalues the effort you’ve put into capturing beautiful travel photography. Research pricing standards both within the industry and for similar artists in your niche. Consider factors based on print size, demand, margins, licensing, potential framing costs, and packaging. Mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Shopify or Etsy often have built-in tools to help calculate costs.

Offer Customization Options

Providing customization options allows customers to feel more connected with your artwork. Consider offering various sizes, as well as frames or matting choices. This flexibility allows individuals to obtain unique pieces of art that align with their specific vision or interior design needs. You can provide recommendations highlighting how particular prints complement different decor styles.

Build Relationships with Printers

Developing relationships with print labs holds many advantages. Your chosen printer should consistently deliver the highest quality products to satisfy customer expectations. Seek out reliable local printers who specialize in photography print. Evaluating samples from different printers before settling also aids in making an informed decision. An experienced professional printer will not only excel in producing fantastic prints but may also offer valuable advice on choosing the right materials that magnify the collection’s strengths.


Selling travel photography as prints enhances both exposure and profitability for talented photographers. It requires careful planning, artistic selection through marketing, efficient logistics, and maintaining relationships with customers and printers. Following the tips and tricks outlined in this article will help photographers successfully navigate the print market, give their creations the opportunity to adorn walls around the world, and turn their passion into a lucrative business.

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